On April 30, GTEL researcher Roberto Pinto Antonioli defended his doctoral thesis entitled Scheduling Strategies for Multi-Antenna Communications and Dual Connectivity In Wireless Networks. Roberto was supervised by Professor Dr. Tarcisio Maciel (UFC professor and GTEL researcher) and co-supervised by Professor Dr. Gábor Fodor (KTH-Sweden professor and Ericsson researcher).
“Some of the factors that contributed to these results were the guidelines I received, work environment, support from the family and GTEL, as well as the opportunities to do two internships abroad, at Ericsson in Sweden”, reported Roberto.
The research had public and private funding, including Ericsson Research.
Roberto tells details of the defense day: “there is always a nervousness associated with this type of event. In my case, two factors made me even more nervous: the fact that I had to make the presentation in English and the fact that the defense took place by videoconference (the internet of 7 people had to work smoothly on the day of the defense). During the defense, the support of several colleagues and friends who were present in the videoconference helped a lot. The defense itself was very smooth, in my view. And in the end everything worked out ”.
GTEL congratulates Roberto and his advisors for their success.