Next day 22 (5th Fair of the Next Week), 16h30, GTEL and LESC will receive one of the editions of the Iracema Business Hour. This is an initiative of the business sectors, Government of Ceará, related to ICT and transformation of Digital. In Opportunity will be made brief visit to the 2 laboratories followed by…
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The book has just been released mobile cellular communication (publisher Elsevier, 376 pages, R $179.91), authored by Professors Rodrigo Porto Cavalcanti, Tarcísio Ferreira Maciel, Walter da Cruz Freitas Junior and Yuri Carvalho Barbosa Silva, members of the group of Research in Wireless Telecommunications (GTEL), Federal University of Ceará. The book is a contribution from GTEL…
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Water loss is a recurring problem for the water supply of Ceará, with a waste rate that reaches more than 40%, caused by clandestine connections or leaks in the distribution system. Among the possible solutions to this situation is the proposal of researchers from the research Group on Wireless Telecommunications (GTEL), from Universidade Federal do…
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The research group on Wireless Telecommunications (GTEL) of the Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC) begins the execution of two new research projects in partnership with the multinational telecommunications ERICSSON. The initiative involves 20 UFC researchers and will last 24 months. The research is in two lines of research that apply to 5G technology of the…
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A study by researchers from the postgraduate program in Teleinformatics Engineering from Universidade Federal do Ceará won the award for best article of the year by EIT Communications, a reference periodical in the telecommunications area. The work titled “Massive MIMO: Survey and future research topics” also had the greatest number of downloads in the last…
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The Board of Directors of Anatel approved at the meeting of this Thursday, 23, the regulation that targets the range of radio frequencies from 3,300 MHz to 3,400 MHz for the provision of the personal mobile service – SMP, of the multimedia Communication Service-SCM, of the telephone service Fixed commuted – STFC and private Limited…
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The first networks with 5G technology are already reality in some cities in South Korea and USA. In Brazil, the expectation is that the novelty arrives at 2022 On the 6th of this month, three carriers from South Korea-KT, SK Telecom and LG UPlus-and the American giant Verizon inaugurated a new technological milestone by launching…
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